Poor Finances...Poor health?

Simply put, if you are broke you are unwell...LOL...yea it is a state of financial illness and can be likened to  having a cold or fever which might be an indicator that a greater illness is about to descend on an individual. Therefore a state of being broke might also be an indicator that all is not well with a person's state of finances.

Finances according to the dictionary is the science of money management whether be it personal or not. For most companies or big Organizations, it goes beyond managing, finances involves the creation of more wealth either through investments or stocks..

As individuals it is very important we learn how to manage our personal finances and still remain debt free and happy. I love to share some tips on managing personal finances, am sure it is something we all heard before but reminding ourselves over and over again is the best.

1. We first have to get a livelihood or a job of course as creation/earning  of money  is the first crucial step.

2. When you receive your salary/income save a percentage then spend the rest: do not spend and save the rest, psst...it never works.

3. Create a budget and stick to it: When you go shopping, make a shopping list and stick to it.

4.Contentment: You show contentment by tailoring your needs with your salary; you should spend on the bare essentials like housing, food etc while endeavoring to save the rest for emergencies.

5 Pay bills early to avoid late payment charges.

6. Try to get good discounts at retail markets / big shopping malls but do ensure you buy only what you need.

7.Avoid expensive habits like dining out all the time / even smoking. You be shocked on how much you spend on maintaining those habits.

8.Always review your credit cards for errors, making sure you are not overcharged when purchasing items online.

9. Maintenance of your property as it sometimes cost more to replace these items; even proper use of jewelry and clothing items avails us of its long use thereby saving us more money overall.

10. Occasionally reward yourself by splurging; This makes you happy and keeps you more focused in managing your finances.

"Health is wealth",They say..but so is having good finances....☺☺
